-15819Hours left to claim early-bird pricing
Get our early bird offer!
$100/mo for your first App*
As an early adopter, we'll charge a flat fee to upgrade and deploy your Brevity app. This will help us learn what common usage looks like. Soon, we'll be switching to a transparent, usage based pricing model. You'll be able to pay this price forever or switch to the new pricing if its cheaper.
Get Your Spot in Line
*This includes unlimited access to every Brevity feature and new ones as we release them
What are you building?
But Wait, There's More!
hosting icon
Built in HostingDeploying your app to hundreds of locations across the globe is as easy as clicking a button
Person icon
AuthenticationLet your users signup and login right out of the box...
component icon
Custom DatabaseTables, columns and relationships with all the complex filtering, sorting, aggregating power you need
paintbrush icon
Design FreedomComplete control with robust theming. Even write Custom CSS if that's your thing
code icon
Code ExportWorried you'll outgrow us? Have peace of mind that you can export your app's code at any time.
linked data icon
Dynamic DataEasily mix data into your designs and workflows
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